Joy and hysterics
Dear Soul,
On your self-awareness journey in the disguise of a human being, with their habits, features, traits and weaknesses, you have definitely experienced the “and then” moment. The moment when you realise that you are not in the state of presence because you are dominated by fears, anger or other unpleasant feelings. Suddenly, you come to see that your thoughts swirl around “what was” and “how it was”, “who was right and when”, or you are lost in fears about “what will be”.
Try to remember how it happened, dear Soul. How is it possible that knowledge which is so unbelievably easy to have in the state of full awareness, which is ever-present and indescribable with words, falls suddenly in oblivion?
One of the reasons can be rooted in the ego which, disguised as enthusiasm for a while, distracts your attention from “what is” to “what will be”.
Maybe you had an idea which was truly sent to you from “above”, and your ego focused its thoughts on how great this idea was and what wonderful results it could have. You began planning things that needed to be done in order to turn the idea into reality. Maybe it was a project with handmade products, or a new lucrative business order, or anything else.
If, in the state of enthusiasm, you are “hysterically” driven but you manage to pause for a little while, you can distinguish between the true joy in what you are doing and its component that is the ego’s enthusiasm. It can always be felt in the background.
In this moment, if you stop the stream of your thoughts, for example, through meditation, sleeping, or an activity that requires your full attention, you can maintain your anchoring in the present. Do not supress hysterics, just watch it. The attention itself will eventually cause its dissolution.
If you do not recognise the ego’s added enthusiasm, you will usually succumb to the pressure of the tasks with which you burden yourself. You stop listening to your intuition which advises you to take a rest; instead, you listen to the voice that is uttering that “you still must manage to do this or that”.
Ego can be so skilled in burdening you that of the tasks ahead of you, you are not able to complete one because the chaos of the number of tasks and fear of the future paralyse you completely. If you are in this state, focus your attention on the peace of the mind. On tranquillity and care for the Soul and body. Eat something good, breath in fresh air, listen to pleasant music, and take your presence back. In reality, the present does not go anywhere, you do not have to somehow “take it back”; you need only become aware of the fact that you have it. You have always had it, and have never had anything else. There is always only the presence. Ego, however, will go on contradicting you, trying to convince you, based on facts and compelling arguments, that to be in the present is the last thing you have time for.
In reality, this recognition of your own being in the present moment is the only useful thing, the only thing which will help each moment of your life develop in the right direction.
„Dear Soul, I give you everything for free. By supporting me you won’t buy anything more. Although, you will support Letters to Soul to inspire other people. You will also support the experience of me becoming a writer. Thank you."