The Soul’s Voice
Dear Soul,
If you have forgotten how your intuition sounds, it could be confusing for you to begin using it again. How to use something that you cannot recognise?
Way too many people have no idea they have intuition. They are so surrounded with “problems” they need to solve, or overloaded with work they need to complete, that the voice of their ego has totally drowned the voice of their intuition. Intuition never screams, so the only way to hear it is to turn down the loud voice of the ego and the sound of millions of thoughts swirling in one’s head. It is also crucial to stop pursuing each and every “urgent” thought like a tracking dog, because it will reliably divert you far, far away from your intuition.
But, even if you calm yourself down, if you are not familiar with the “voice” of your intuition, how can you know that what you hear is intuition and not another thought or one of the tricks of your ego?
It is pointless to trouble yourself, dear Soul. The training needed in order to listen to intuition is, in fact, great fun. Begin with little things, with decisions that you make repeatedly: Take this or that path to work? Which yoghurt to buy? Listen to music or read a book?
If you make a mistake, you will very quickly find out and remember the feeling you had at the moment you chose the incorrect option – it was not intuition that guided you. On the other hand, if you make a choice that proves to be the right one, remember the feeling you had when making it; intuition has a special undertone, different from that of thoughts. First, it is hard to recognise; but the more you play around with this, the more reliably you will be able to determine what intuition is telling you.
The game may be joined by “accidental” thoughts, such as: ring up an old acquaintance, buy something you originally did not plan to when in a shop, tell the passer-by that he/she has beautiful eyes, etc. These thoughts are usually illogical and may look crazy, but believe me, dear Soul, intuition always knows exactly which way to go. Your intuition does not function on the exchange principle (quid pro quo); instead, it leads you from one decision to another in a way which, at the end of the day, allows you to tell a story full of “coincidences” and pleasant surprises.
But what to do if you face a truly important decision which will have an effect on the further course of your life? In such situations, many people become scared and go on assessing the possible scenarios of future developments. That leads to a real chaos in one’s head. To avoid it, use meditation or any activity that can help you find peace of mind. Then you will be able to sense that soft feeling in the background of a decision, which will very clearly tell you if the step you are just about to take is truly the right one, or you only wish it to be.
Ego, in its effort to make wishes come true (to find true love, make a lot of money, etc.) likes to masquerade as intuition. Through enthusiasm and painting an image of a beautiful future, ego tries to outshout the feeling you have. But as soon as you calm down and cease listening to arguments in your head, you can quite reliably “read” the feeling that is down there in you.
Ego also likes dressing to appear as various fears which, the other way around, stand in the way of coming to and acting upon a decision. This can be solved the very same way as when ego appears as enthusiasm – calm down and you will know exactly what to do.
Ego also likes to impose on you the thought that a decision must be made immediately. Do not be deceived, and make sure you give yourself 15 minutes to find peace of mind.
Dear Soul, the longer you engage in training to recognise your intuition, the more reliably you will be able to know its voice. You will become ever more familiar with this voice, and your intuition’s message will appear to grow louder. Play with your intuition, learn about it, and enjoy the wonderful confirmations of its existence.
For the Universe, nothing can be better than a life lived with ease and joy, guided by intuition. Soul, intuition is a voice, the voice of the Universe, and the voice of Angels and God, who have always been here with you, patiently waiting for your revelation.
„Dear Soul, I give you everything for free. By supporting me you won’t buy anything more. Although, you will support Letters to Soul to inspire other people. You will also support the experience of me becoming a writer. Thank you."